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Here is a scrolling space for some examples of pathways taken as a direct result of having the time, space and means provided by the grant.

In many ways, the pathways continue to cross, intersect and merge - I've really relished the opportunity to immerse myself in the worlds of animation, projection and significantly, imagination.

I intend to use this page as a space to add material and ideas as they progress!

Projection in Theatre

Time in the rom with Chris Harrisson working on projections for Ad Infinitum, also Wendy at The egg Theatre. Inspiration from projection mapped work as part of Complicite's Drive Your Plow. Cameras on figures generating projections behind.


Three days spent with May Kindred Boothby learning about a multitude of animation techniques and hands on experience focussing on drawn animation, walk cycles, rotoscoping and animating recorded sound. Using Wacom tablet and TV Paint software.

Study of anthropomorphic movement and behaviour  - how we express and body language related to animation.

Specific interest in bringing animation into physical spaces, experimenting with scale using projection.

Sketching within photoshop and using timeline to create frame by frame drawn animation, inspired by ideas of ageing and weightlessness, release and imagination.

Starting point observation of elder population in area and book found in local shop - Guide To Scuba Diving.

Also how we animate spaces and material such as water, bodies moving through water. Thinking about resistance, gravity, floating.

Simple perspectives initially to explore possibilities of possibly projecting to larger scale.

Creating a short animation to play with projection.

Artboard 1.png

Redraw of animation to create a circular dive, to allow figure to 'plunge' into interior spaces and return to 'surface'.

Projection Mapping

Experiments in projection, applying learning in projection mapping using Madmapper 5 software.

Learning to map onto 3D objects using meshes.

Autobiographical Material

Postcard Collection

All the postcards my Mum sent to her parents in her lifetime (1944 - 1993).

A starting point!   

Postcard Detail 1

Hyper magnification on certain chosen aspects in postcard images. Reference to Antonioni's Blow Up. What are the stories here? 


Beginning the process of animating/re-animating this figure. 


Original audio and Rotoscope Animation

Using techniques of rotoscoping learnt with May to integrate into commissioned project with Viv Gordon Company.

(This video has sound).

'Natural Projection'

Exploring natural projection, reflection, multi layered imagery.

Natural Projection 1_edited.jpg

Screenprinting (for future animation)

Using hoopoe bird as inspiration. Using still taken from footage shot on Filoppapou Hill, Athens.

My plan is to use new techniques learnt by vectorising individual shapes for animation. Also using stop frame animation from cut out sections. Exploring the positive/negative of printing.

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